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How To Prepare For Overnight Guests With Cleaning

Posted on October 7, 2022

If you’re inviting guests to your Irvine home, you’ll want to make sure everything is as comfortable as possible for them. Here are some tips to take into consideration while making your house ready.

Prep The Bed

Make sure the bed they’re staying on is as comfortable as possible. Get a Irvine cleaning professional to clean the mattress, and try layering on some comfortable bedding. You can add extra pillows and get a new duvet if you want.

Check The Toiletries

Your guest may bring their own toiletries, but it never hurts to have extra. Ask them what they’re carrying, how much they have, and what they need. Make sure they have enough soap, shampoo, toothpaste, and whatever else they need. And double check that you’ve stocked up on toilet paper.

Give Them Space

Ensure the guest room has plenty of space to place and store their things. They should have adequate room to unpack everything they need and know where it’s stored.

Give Them Privacy

If you have a guest room, that should be enough privacy for them, but if not, see if you can put them in a room where they can feel comfortable. Sometimes you don’t have many options here, but try to find a space where they won’t have to worry about anyone barging in.

Clean The Upholstery

Your guest will probably spend time on your couches and chairs, meaning you should ensure they’re clean. Get an Irvine professional to clean your upholstery, or try a hand at it yourself.

Clean The Bathroom

It’s easy for a bathroom to become less-than-sanitary, so make sure this space in your house is as clean as possible. Scrub the toilets, showers, and sinks. Hire a Irvine tile cleaner to get the floors and walls. Make everything as sparkly as possible.

Clean The Carpets

Your carpets and rugs are walked on often, meaning they can pick up grime easily. Make sure they’ve been deep cleaned before your guest arrives to ensure a tidier environment.

Clear Out Trash

Pick up the trash around your house and empty full trash cans. Make sure there’s a trash can in whatever room they’re staying in so they always have a place to dispose of garbage.

Make Space For An Alarm Clock

Your guest may need an alarm clock, so make sure there’s a clear nightstand or other location for them to place their alarm. Better yet, find an alarm clock in your Irvine home that they can use.

Stock Up On Food

To make them feel comfortable, ask what kind of food they like and make sure you have plenty of it. The right foods can really make a person feel at home.

Communicate The WiFi Password

Your guest will likely need the WiFi password at one time or another. Tell them now or otherwise display it prominently somewhere so they have access to your internet.

Be Wary Of Kids Or Pets

If you have animals or young children, they may not be able to respect your guest’s privacy to a satisfactory level. Talk to your kids about appropriate behavior, and find ways to control your pets.

Have Fun

Remember that you’re having a guest over for a good time. Don’t stress too much about the tiny details, and enjoy their visit! They’ll appreciate anything you do for them!

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